Monday, August 18, 2014

Good Vocabulary: 'Internet' topic

instant communication (e.g. emails/text messages)

use a social-networking site a grea deal

virtual friends made on the Internet

cannot be compared to

keep in touch with

share memories with people who are far away

The business world benefits from the immediate contact provided by the internet.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

20140814 口语回忆

IDP口语考试回忆:name 是否坐火车 火车上有趣的事情P2 photoP3 摄影相关 外出旅游是否花太多时间在拍照上,是否相信照片的真实度,因为有Photoshop。是否要有专业技术才能拍出好的照片,记者要有什么素养,如何拍照?

Yes, I often take trains to travel between different cities in China. For example, last month I came back to China and I took the high-speed train between Shanghai and Hangzhou with my girlfriend. Compared to the planes, trains are more spacious, comfortable, and punctual (on time).

Well, I remember once I took the high-speed train from my hometown to a city for visiting my relatives there. Guess what, I was the only passenger in that carriage, which was hard to imagine in China. China has a very large population, everywhere is crowded. Maybe because I was in a small station and in the very early morning.

A photo was taken near the Xihu lake in Hangzhou.


No, there are too many filters, which can polish the pictures and make them become unrealistic.

No, I don't think so. Not everyone must learn how to take photographs. There is no exact definition of good pictures. If someone likes that picture, including yourself, then it is a good one.

I think a good journalist should have endless curiosity, have a sense of commitment, and try to be objective.


Celebrate, invite friends to have a gathering activity.

Personally, I think it's a special day in every year to remember that I came to this world. I will appreciate and cherish my life. Also, I always say a thank-you to my mom on my birthday, because I realized that it was extremely difficult for my mom being pregnant for 10 months.

My audio recording devices. Recycling is environmentally friendly. Television adverts attracts more people nowadays, more dynamic and informative. Discount activity. Group something and sell them out together.

8.14IDPp1你住哪,觉得怎么样;经常开车出游吗?你家乡交通咋样?你觉得人容易relax吗physical activity是relax 的好方法吗?你会怎样让自己relax?你喜欢holiday吗?pt2:你想学的语言。pt3:学校的学生应该学其他语言吗? 怎样的学生能学好外语?既然英语是国际语言,为啥在aus的学生要学其他语言

Good. Not often, I'm too busy. Terrible, there are too many private cars, hard to find places for parking, new drivers - road killers.

I think so. Relax by watching TV series, listening music, playing some instruments, working out in the gym, playing some sports. I prefer to do some physical activity to relax myself. It's good for my health. I can make some friends. I really enjoy taking a shower to wind down myself after doing some exercises. The feeling is great!

Yes, I like holiday. It gives me a chance to put myself away from the study, travel some places, know some people, experience new cultures.


Yes. Enjoy learning it via all kinds of ways. It should be a habit rather than a study task.

Learning foreign languages is also a great way to know the history and culture of that country. Also, it is more easy to get around in that country when you have a trip there. You can directly talk with local people. Learning new languages can make many new friends. It is a good way to establish some international friendship.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

20110108 'robots' topic

Some people think that robots are very important for humans' future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

10 mins plan

Paragraph 1:
- Introduce the topic - Artificial intelligence, like automated robots, has become a key part of the development of new technologies for the future. 
- In my opinion, there are both positives and negatives in the invention of robots. 

Paragraph 2 Positives:
- 替代人类进行一些危险的工作,例如深海探险,高空作业,开采矿井。
- 替代人类做一些重复性的工作,不需要休息,不会疲劳
- Quality, Production, Safety, Savings

Paragraph 3 Negatives: 
- Artificial intelligence - might fight against people
- Robots overpower/dominate us
- Higher unemployment/joblessness

Paragraph 4:
- Paraphrasing the introduction

01. 广告

Advertising/Advertisements/Adverts/Advertisers/ advertise

1. 广告是现代商业(modern business)的关键部分(a key part of)
2. 公司需要告诉消费者,关于它的产品。
3. 广告告诉(inform us)我们所拥有的选择(about the choices we have)
4. 广告是一个有创新的产业(a creative industry),雇佣了很多人(employ many people)
5. 没有广告,我们可能会有更少的选择(less choice)。
6. 没有广告,失业率可能会很高(higher unemployment/joblessness)
7. 广告是一种现代艺术的形式(a form of modern art)
8. 人们享受广告(enjoy adverts)

1. 广告操作人们 (manipulate people)
2. 它的目标是(it aims to),劝说人们(persuade people that),购买这个产品(buying a product)会使得他们更开心。
3. 广告人(advertisers)主要是(focus on)销售品牌形象(selling a brand image)
4. 他们使用有魅力的成功人士(glamorous, successful people)
5. 我们现在生活在一个消费文化(a consumer culture)
6. 我们被劝说(are persuaded to),去跟随最新的趋势(follow the latest trend)
7. 我们被鼓动(are encouraged to),去把一些品牌和高贵的地位联系起来(associate/link certain brands with a higher status)
8. 广告人经常(often)将他们的市场对准孩子(aim their marking at children)
9. 孩子很容易(can easily be influenced by)被广告影响。
10. 孩子将给父母施加压力(put pressure on parents)买东西(buy them things)

1. 广告需要被管理(regulated)。
2. 目标是孩子(aimed at children)的广告,需要被控制(be controlled),甚至禁止(or even banned)
3. 不健康的食品(unhealthy foods)不应该通过市场宣传(be marketed)来吸引孩子(attracts children)。
4. 对健康有风险 (be a risk to health) 的产品需要显示警告 (display warnings) 。
5. 在某些国家,在电视中宣传(advertise cigarettes on television)香烟是违法的(illegal)。
6. 警告必须显示在香烟的包装上(cigarette packets=box/bag)
7. 然而,在自由市场经济(free market economies)中,广告是必须的(necessary)。
8. 它创造产品需求(create demand for products)
9. 政府(goverments)应该仅仅审查(censor),对人们有害的(harmful),虚假信息或产品(false information or products)