Sunday, October 26, 2014

Writing Task 1 : describe percentages

Write a single sentence to describe percentages, put it at the beginning or at the end:

Beginning: 6% of single aged people were living in poverty.

End: The level of poverty among single aged people stood at 6%.

Add a comparison:

Beginning: 6% of single aged people were living in poverty, compared to only 4% of aged couples.

End: The level of poverty among single aged people stood at 6%, whereas the figure for aged couples was only 4%.

Use the above question as an example:

In 2003, 36% of online sales were related to travelling.
The level of travelling online sales stood at 36% in 2003.

In 2003, 24% of online sales were digital products, like film and music.
The level of purchasing film and music online stood at 24% in 2003.

In 2013, 33% of total online sales were the category of film and music.

The level of buying clothes online stood at 16% in 2013.

Add comparison:

In 2003, 36% of online sales were related to travelling, which accounted for the most proportion in this year. The second was buying clothes standing at 24%, whereas the figures for film/music and books were lowest in this year that were close to each other about 21% and 19%, respectively.

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